b'You Belong in Congratulations To Our Sonya Whited and the 2024 Leadership Maryland Graduating Class!Bowie is one of the largest cities in Maryland. Bowie is also an excellent business location, easily accessed from Washington D.C., Annapolis and Baltimore. Bowies SonyaWhitedproximity to these major cities brings business andSenior Director, Foods Product Development and Innovationworkforce into the area via Routes 3, 50 and 301. Bowie has over 100 restaurants, 200 shops, and a dozen recreation opportunities. With this winning combination of location, access and amenities your business is certain to grow and succeed.WebelieveinFor more information contact: responsible foodJohn Henry Kingand agriculture.301.809.3042 jhking@cityofbowie.orgcorporate@perduefarms.comwww.cityofbowie.org/bizNovemberClosing Retreat on Kent Islandwww.leadershipmd.org39'