b'Members can access the full directory and search by industry, location, or name at https://tinyurl.com/LMDDirectory. If you cant remember your credentials, select Click Here for Login Information to reset.EXECUTIVE PROGRAM CLASS OF 1995 (38) EXECUTIVE PROGRAM CLASS OF 1996 (44) Timothy F. Tim Abell (LM) George Littrell, Jr.Hon. Suzanne P. Albert (LM) Lillian Lincoln Raymond Buzz BartlettJames Maffitt, Esq.Ruthann AronDouglass Wm. List Dr. Richard F. Rich BebeeJack MasonHon. Janine F. BurnsSean M. Looney (LM)James Piper BondThomas Tom McNuttKathryn KT CaneHerbert N. Herb Meininger William J. Bill BostianJanna NaylorPeter ClayB. Doyle Mitchell, Jr. (LM)Booker T. Carter, Jr.Dr. Robert E. ParillaArthur M. Art CooleyStephen H. Steve Morgan H. Ward ClassenNorma Theo PinetteWilliam Bill CouperJack B. Neil Dr. Rita R. ColwellNathanael Nate Pollard, Jr.Scott R. CousinoR. Kathleen Perini Gregory D. ConderacciJohn PorcariWilliam Buck Duncan, Jr.Joseph V. Joe Prado Hon. James R. Jim Eyler (Ret.)Joseph C. Joe Reid, Esq.William G. Bill EwingHon. Marilyn J. Praisner G. Sandy Fitz-HughNancy C. RobertsonDr. Patricia FeganRobert J. Bob Reaves Antoinette Toni FordSamuel Sandy RosenbergNewton Fowler III, Esq.George C. Shenk, Jr. Trond GrenagerTerry M. RubensteinRobert Bob GarnerStuart O. Stu Simms, Esq. Kathleen D. HallLaurie SchwartzDennis J. GarrettDr. Gary Smith Stephen Z. Steve Kaufman, Esq.David W. ThomasGino Gemignani, Jr.Harold A. Hal Smith Kenneth Ken KinseyDr. James Jim TschechtelinDr. Barbara Heller-WalshBill Struever Dr. Joan D. KozlovskyJames Van Jim ProoyenVictor L. Hoskins (LM) L. David Taylor James Jim LatimerEdward Ted VerderyDr. Murray K. Ray HoyBennie L. Thayer Klein LeisterSamuel T. WoodsidePatricia Jessamy, Esq.William Bill Torgerson, Esq. Sheryl KerrTheodore W. Ted Urban Alan LeberknightJohn R. Valliant Betsy LewisJonathan M. Warner BUSINESS BY THE BAY22002255CCOORRPPOORRAATTEEPPLLUUNNGGEESSAANNDDYYPPOOIINNTTSSTTAATTEEPPAARRKKJJAANNUUAARRYY3311SSTT11\x05\x0755PPMMLooking for a fun and transformational team-building experience for your business? The Corporate Plunge provides a unique and compelling opportunity that can reinforce your team culture. Your support will help provide year-round sports training and competition opportunities to athletes land Unied teammates, all of whom participate free of charge. You are helping build a more inclusive Maryland. Scan the QR code to easily join the 2025 Leadership Maryland Corporate Plunge Team!JIM SCHMUTZ CORPORATEPLUNGE.COMSpecial Olympics Maryland President & CEOLeadership Maryland Class of 2021FFoorrmmoorreeiinnffoorrmmaattiioonnoonnCCoorrppoorraatteePPlluunnggeeoorrssppoonnssoorrsshhiippss,,pplleeaasseeccoonnttaaccttcchhuussttoonn@@ssoommddoorrggoorrvviissiittPPlluunnggeeMMDDccoommwww.leadershipmd.org43'