b'C\x1egrat\x19TO THE CLASS OF 2024!2013 Leadership Graduate We are proud to Tom MearsRegional President support Leadership Shore United BankMaryland with our 2013 Leadership GraduateGail FoltzCommercial Relationship Manager time and resources Shore United Bankto help make life 2023 Leadership GraduateJerray Slocum better in our Business Development ManagerShore United Bank communities.ShoreUnitedBank.com | 877-758-1600 |2015 Leadership GraduateTalli OxnamExecutive Vice PresidentWye Financial PartnersWyeFinancialPartners.com | 800.309.8124Securities and advisory services are o\x0bered through LPL Financial (LPL), a registered investment advisor and broker-dealer (member FINRA and SIPC). Insurance products are oered through LPL or its licensed aliates. Shore United Bank N.A. and Wye Financial Partners are not registered as a broker-dealer or investment advisor. Registered representatives of LPL oer products and services using Wye Financial Partners and may also be employees of Shore United Bank N.A. These products and services are being oered through LPL or its aliates, which are separate entities from, and not aliates of Shore United Bank N.A. or Wye Financial Partners. Securities and insurance oered through LPL, or its aliates are:Not Insured by FDIC or Any Other Government Agency | Not Bank Guaranteed | Not Bank Deposits or Obligations | May Lose Value.Shore United Bank N.A. provides referrals to nancial professionals of LPL Financial LLC (LPL) pursuant to an agreement that allows LPL to pay Shore United Bank N.A. for these referrals.This creates an incentive for Shore United Bank N.A. to make these referrals, resulting in a conict of interest.Shore United Bank N.A. is not a current client of LPL for brokerage or advisory services.Please visit https://www.lpl.com/disclosures/is-lpl-relationship-disclosure.html for more detailed information.www.leadershipmd.org5'