b'PAST CHAIRS Richard E. Hug Howard B. Miller, Esq. 93 (LM) James T. Jim Brady 93 (LM)1993-1994 1994-1996 1996-1998Deceased Partner DeceasedSaul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, LLPhmiller@saul.comWayne A. Mills 98 John W. Dillon 93 Henry E. Posko, Jr. 931998-2000 2000-2002 2002-2004Retired Retired Principalwamills25@yahoo.com johnwdillon@hotmail.com Aequitas Consulting Grouphposko@humanim.comDr. Catherine R. Gira 93 (LM) Sean M. Looney 96 (LM) Stephen A. Horvath 982004-2006 2006-2008 2008-2010Deceased Retired Retiredseanmlooney@me.com stephen@stephenhorvath.netSharon R. Pinder 98 Ralph W. Buddy Emerson,William B. Bill Grant, Esq., 2010-2012 Jr. 03 (LM) CFP 02 (LM)President and CEO 2012-2014 2014-2016Capital Region Minority SupplierRetired RetiredDevelopment Council rwemersonjr@gmail.com billgrant19@hotmail.comsharon.pinder@crmsdc.orgEric D. Brotman, CFP, AEP,Dr. Memo F. Diriker 12 (LM) Jeanne Forrester Singer, Esq. 07 (LM)CPWA 09 (LM) 2018-2020 2020-2022 2016-2018 Associate Professor/Management Attorney at LawChief Executive Officer & Marketing Law Offices of Jeanne F. SingerBFG Financial Advisors Salisbury University jsinger@jsingerlaw.comebrotman@bfgfa.com mfdiriker@salisbury.eduKenneth L. Ken Brannan 05 (LM)2022-2023OwnerSaucy Salamander Catering Co.saucysalamander@hotmail.comPAST PRESIDENTSPRESIDENT EMERITAPAST PRESIDENTNancy Minieri (LM) Rene M. Winsky 05 (LM)1992-2013 2013-2022Deceasedwww.leadershipmd.org7'