b'Session HighlightsHealth and Human ServicesCentral Region Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards, Baltimore | June 15-16, 2023 The classs first stop of the day was Humanim, a social impact organization focused on human services, workforce development, youth services, and social enterprise. After a welcome from Humanim President and CEO Cindy Plavier-Truitt 03, the class learned about current efforts to revitalize Baltimores Broadway East neighborhood from Bishop Donte L. Hickman, Sr., pastor of The Southern Baptist Church, and Senator Cory V. McCray, District 45 in Baltimore City. After lunch, the group traveled to TouchPoint Baltimore for an in-depth look at this unique collaboration between four nonprofit groups, two local corporations, and a community partner who are working to strengthen Baltimores Mondawmin community. Timothy J. Tim Regan 00, President & CEO, The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, offered an overview of TouchPoint Baltimore at Mondawmin followed by a tour led by Zhane Chase and Lauren Bennet. The class then learned more about how TouchPoint is positively impacting the local community from a panel featuring representatives of Greater Mondawmin Coordinating Council, Thread, the Center for Urban Families, and Baltimore Corps. Lester Davis, Vice President and Chief of Staff to the CEO, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, joined the class to discuss CareFirst BlueCross BlueShields Strategic Philanthropic Partnerships and how the organization is working with local partners in specific geographical locations on addressing the environmental and circumstantial sources that impact the health of those in certain communities. Day two opened at Vehicles for Change in Baltimore County, where President Martin R. Marty Schwartz 14 welcomed the class and led a tour of the nonprofit. They then learned how Vehicles for Changes Full Circle Training Program is creating career opportunities in the automotive field, hearing first-hand accounts from a panel of program graduates. Geoff Crawford, Vice President of Virtual Reality, conducted a demo of the organizations innovative Virtual Reality training program. Then the class experienced the Vehicles for Change mission in action as a deserving individual was awarded their very own car. The class then bussed to the Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC) who generously sponsored lunch. Kirkland Kirk Murray, 22, AAWDCS Executive Director, spoke about the organizations efforts to enhance the economic vitality of Anne Arundel County through workforce solutions that lead to family-sustaining employment. That afternoon, the class bussed to University of Maryland Medical Center, for an exclusive tour of The R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, one of the highest volume trauma centers in the country. Class members participated in a Stop the Bleed demonstration lead by Justin Graves, Director of Trauma Programs, Jonathan H. Jon Bratt 23, William R. Rob Frampton Jr. 23, and Joseph G. Joey Sagal, II 23. THANK YOU TO OUR REGIONAL SPONSORSAnne Arundel Workforce Development CorporationBGE, an Exelon CompanyTradepoint AtlanticT. Rowe PriceUniversity of Maryland, BaltimoreThe Whiting-Turner Contracting Company30 Leadership Maryland 2023'